Digital Art History: Mapping Medieval and Renaissance Objects and
Networks: Workshop at Villa I Tatti, Florence
Date: Thursday 25 May 2017, 4pm to 7pm
Location: Gould Hall
No registration required
In 2016-2017, I Tatti introduced its new Mellon Fellowships in the Digital Humanities. In concurrence with this, the institute will host a workshop on the topic “Digital Art History: Mapping Medieval and Renaissance Objects and Networks” on May 25. The presentations by Tracy Chapman Hamilton and Catherine Walsh will concentrate on the visualization of geographical data and networks. In a focused discussion moderated by Angela Dressen, the respondents Leif Isaksen, Arno Bosse, and Andrew Battista will explore mapping, network analysis, and data curation challenges as we look to the future of the field of DH.
4.00 – 4.10
Angela Dressen (Villa I Tatti, Andrew W. Mellon Librarian)
Introduction to the Workshop
Leif Isaksen (Project Director: Pelagios Commons, Lancaster University )
Arno Bosse (Digital Project Manager: Cultures of Knowledge, University of Oxford)
Andrew Battista (Librarian for Geospatial Information Systems, New York University)
4.40 Tea break
Tracy Chapman Hamilton (University of Richmond)
Mapping the Medieval Woman
Mapping Sculpture
Catherine Walsh (University of Montevallo)

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