Cristina Acidini, Presidente dell’Accademia delle Arti del Disegno di Firenze 

Prof. Linda Borean, Professor, Università di Udine 

Caroline Elam, Board Member, The Courtauld  

Prof. Thomas W. Gaehtgens, former Director, Getty Research Institute 

Prof. Donata Levi, Professor, Università di Udine 

Dr. Arthur MacGregor, former Editor, Journal of the History of Collections 

Sir Nicholas Penny, former Director of the National Gallery 

Inge Reist, former Director of The Frick Collection’s Center for the History of Collecting at the Frick Art Reference Library 

Prof. Dr. Benedicte Savoy, Professor, Department Art History, Technische Universität Berlin 

Charles Sebag-Montefiore, FSA, Trustee of the National Gallery 

Anna Somers Cocks, OBE, FSA 

Martina Stoye, Curator, Asian Arts Museum, Berlin 

Jeremy Warren, FSA, Consultant National Trust 

Dr. Prof. Mark Westgarth, Professor, History of the Art Market, the University of Leeds

We were also honoured that the late Giles Waterfield was on our Advisory Board.